The Gila monster, also known as Heloderma suspectum, is a member of Helodermatidae. A large heavy bodied lizard with black and orange, or pink 'bead-like' scales. Gila monster feeds small mammals, eggs of birds and other reptiles and some lizards. Gila monster is the only poisonous lizard in the United States.Heloderma suspectum - Gila Monster - written by Matthew D. Stewart, University of Michigan.
Gila Monster by the American Museum of Natural History
Dr. Beck's Gila Monster Home Page
Banded Gila Monster - by Mike Diaz.
Gila monster venom - by Telly Sepahpour.
The Monster Formerly Known as Gila
Dr. Seward's Gila Monster Web - by Mark T. Seward.
Gila Monster Heloderma suspoectum - from the Tennessee Aquarium.
Family Helodermatidae (Gila Monsters) - maintained by Peter Uetz.
Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) - from Pima Community College.
Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum - from the Sedgwick County Zoo.
Gila Monster by Central Florida Zoological Park
Gila Monster by the National Aquarium in Baltimore
Gila Monster Bite - from the University of Arizona.
Gila Monsters and Urban Conflicts - by Dr. Gordon Schuett, Dr. Brian Sullivan, Matt Flowers, Arizona State University West.
Gila Monster from the Enchanted Learning
Gila monster sighting - by the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance.
Gila Monster ... Heloderma suspectum - short notes.
The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum cinctum - by Nichia Huxtable.
All about the Gila Monster - by RETA.
Gila Monster - Facts and Folklore of America’s Aztec Lizard - by David E. Brown and Neil B. Carmony.
Sonoran Lizards - from International BioPark.
Gila Monster image from Maricopa Community College
Gila Monster from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Information Database
Gila Monster Skull - from University of York.
Gila Monster - offers nice photos.
Gila Monster from Animal Pictures Archive
Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) - from the Organ Pipe National Monument in Pima County, Arizona.
Gila Monster by the University of Texas
Anti-diabetic activity of peptide isolated from the Gila monster venom - from the University of Buckingham.
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