Dysmenorrhea hub
Dysmenorrhea is defined as cyclic pain, headaches, or bloating with menstruation. Primary dysmenorrhea is usually caused by prostaglandin (responsible for the normal functions of the uterus during menstruation) production. Dysmenorrhea usually is less severe after a woman has a baby.
Overviews - Full text articles - Diagnosis & Treatment - Research projects - Clinical trials
Primary Dysmenorrhea - by Andrew S. Coco, M.D., Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Recommendations for the Treatmet of Dysmenorrhea - from University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program.
Dysmenorrhea in the adolescent by MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia - updated by J. Gordon Lambert, MD, Associate Medical Director; RxRemedy.
Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea) - by McKinley Health Center.
Dysmenorrhea from eMedicine Journal - by Alan D Clark, MD, Director, Teaching Faculty, Physician Assistant Studies, Southwest Missouri State University, Spring, St John's Regional Health Center.
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstrual Cramps) - by Cowell Student Health Center, University of California, Davis.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramping) - by University of Maryland, College Park.
What do you know about dysmenorrhea? - by British Columbia Pharmacy Association.
Dysmenorrhea: a long -term consequence of female genital mutilation - by Obuekwe Ifeyinwa Flossy Ph.D. and Egbagbe Eruke Elizabeth, University Of Benin, Benin City. Nigeria.
Dysmenorrhea by the Cleveland Clinic
Menstrual cramps (Dysmenorrhea) - by UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center.
Dysmenorrhea by Dr. Joseph F. Smith Medical Library - from CHC Wausau Hospital's Medical Library.
Dysmenorrhea by Uchee Pines Institute
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) - by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Dysmenorrhoea (period pains) - from BUPA.
Dysmenorrhea by Hiba Tamim, MD
Dysmenorrhea by TeensHealth - from the Nemours Foundation.
Dysmenorrhea and Pain Control - by the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Dysmenorrhea by Reda Bassali MD
Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea) - from University of Rochester.
Taming Menstrual Cramps - by Ellen Hale.
Primary Dysmenorrhea (Functional Dysmenorrhea) - by the Merck Manual.
Painful Periods - by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Primary dysmenorrhea - by MedIndia.
Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea) - by University of California, San Diego.
Painful Periods - by University of Michigan Health System.
Clinical Trials: Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods) - by CenterWatch.
Response to Dysmenorrhea Study Published in Pain From Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D., FCER Director of Research - from Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research.
Athletic Dysmenorrhea - by SUNY Upstate Medical University, University Hospital.
Conditions related to menstruation - by Columbia University College of P & S.
Dysmenorrhea - by Santha Srisuparp MD., Endocrine-Infertile Unit, Dept.Obstetrics-Gynecology, Rajavithi Hospital.
Dysmenorrhea by Krishna B. Singh, MD.
Dysmenorrhea Menstrual pain relief using TENS - by Body Clock Health Care, UK.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) - from Student Health Programs, Southern Illinois University.
Dysmenorrhea - Period Pains - by P.Wise, R. Pietroni and S. Wilkes.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) by NCEMI - by Craig Feied, MD., Mark Smith, MD., Jon Handler, MD., Michael Gillam, MD.
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps) - by Brooke Entwisle.
Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea) for Teenagers - by B.D. Schmitt, M.D.
Dysmenorrhea by Baptist Health System
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation) - by Verl H. Talbot, M.D., Brigham Young University.
Dysmenorrhea Care Protocol - by Gallaudet University Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center.
Dysmenorrhea by David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.
Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual Cramps - by UNC Student Health Service.
What is Dysmenorrhea? - by Inlet Medical.
Directories - Hubs
Dysmenorrhea by OMNI - from the University of Nottingham.
FAQ - Questions and Answers
Dysmenorrhea by The World Book Rush Medical Encyclopedia
Dysmenorrhea with Fibroids - by LeRoy Heinrichs, MD.
Dysmenorrhea from Barnard Health Services, Barnard College
Prospective Study of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Dysmenorrhea - by Changzhong Chen, Sung-Il Cho, Andrew I. Damokosh, Dafang Chen, Guang Li, Xiaobin Wang, and Xiping Xu.
Prevalence and Impact of Dysmenorrhea on Hispanic Female Adolescents - by Chantay Banikarim, MD; Mariam R. Chacko, MD; Steve H. Kelder, PhD.
Pain Perception in Women With Dysmenorrhea - by M. Granot, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rambam Medical Center, Technion Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel.
High nocturnal body temperatures and disturbed sleep in women with primary dysmenorrhea - by Baker, Fiona C., Helen S. Driver, Geoffrey G. Rogers, Janice Paiker and Duncan Mitchell.
Nitroglycerine Dermal Patch for Severe Dysmenorrhea: In vitro and Clinical Results - by M. David, Carola Hamann, W. Lichtenegger.
Primary Dysmenorrhea: Exploring the Potential of Acupuncture - by Alison E Gamon.
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