Name: Nikolay Zatsepin
Birth date/place: June 30th, 1973 / Minsk, Belarus.

Started to play chess in 1985. Married in 2000 August, not children yet. I like the composer J.S. Bach. I influenced to much him in the period of 1987-1999. Playing harpsichord and pipe organ in this period also. In chess I have 3 periods 1985-86 (my grandmother taught me how to play with chess pieces). I have not registered any chess club in my lifetime. I always feel some pressure against on my mind (in my youth period). Playing electrical guitar and trying J.S.Bach into technology but I lost my way then I decided to play original way then pipe organ came in. My second chess period began to 1992-95. Playing some OTB tournaments (not good results). Finally I began to play chess seriously at 1998 with full time and power. Now I'm living in Istanbul  with my wife.

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