Name: Enrico Immig
Birth date/place: 9th July 1980 / Merseburg, Germany

* Primary school from 1987 - 1991
* Grammar school from 1991 - 1999 (core courses: chemistry and
mathematics (1997 - 1999), minor courses english and french, finished on my
birthday july 9 with 1.3 average (scale: 1.0 - 4.0 with 1.0 the best)
* Civil service from 1999 - 2000 in a youth hostel
* Studies of "languages and business administration" since 2000,
diploma in 2004, first language: french, second language: english, started spanish
as third language (beginner), year of studies in Paris, France from
september 2002 - july 2003

* Chess:
First experiences at the age of 8 or 9 (my grandfather taught me the rules), then member of a chess club for a few months, till the age of 14 or 15  I only played chess with my grandfather or my younger brother (Marcus),
then another chess club (again only a couple of months), definite restart in 2002 when joining gameknot - can't stop it since *other activities: I love sport! volleyball is my biggest passion  (played in
several teams since the age of 16), tennis, swimming etc.

Short term targets on chess and life
Chess: contribute to the __For_USSR__team to become one of the best on the gameknot site! Improving my own capabilities and learning how to avoid too stupid mistakes!
Life: Found a family with my love :))) Finish my studies with the greatest success possible and then find a
good job.

Long term targets on chess and life
well, let's face the near future first, ok?!

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